To book a tutor, you first need to join as a student. Here’s how:
Sign up as a student by creating an account on our platform. After registration, go to the Menu and select “Find Instructors.”
Click on the left-facing arrow on the right sidebar to access filters.
Apply filters to refine your search:
- Select Class Group (e.g., Grade 1-5, 6-8, etc.).
- Set Price Range based on hourly rates (e.g., ₹300-₹400).
- Choose Gender if you prefer a male or female tutor.
- Tutor Availability by choosing preferred days and times.
- Location (city or area).
- Mode of Learning: Choose either Online, At Student’s Place, or At Tutor’s Place.
- Once tutor profiles appear, click View Profile on the one that matches your needs.
- After reviewing the tutor’s details, click on Book a Tuition to schedule your session.
By following these steps, you can easily book a tutor that meets your requirements.